Saturday, February 06, 2010


We ended our month in Wisconsin. My mom and dad were traveling and had asked if I would spend the week at the house making sure everyone was fed (and didn't kill each other). So the boys and I traveled up there on Sunday evening and stay through till Thursday night. It was a fun week. Not many activities but it has been awhile since I've seen the everyday life of my siblings. I got to help Kendra study for a test for school. I got to hear about Lydia's new job. And I even got to pick Kurt up from practice to hear all about the team.
On Wednesday night we managed to get the entire sibling faction (minus Scott) up to the house for dinner. The cousins had a blast playing down the basement for much of the evening.

Then it was time for some new Aunt bonding time.

And some cousin/crazy Uncle time.

But the boys newest game they made up at Grandma and Grandpa's is the horsey game. Luke actually lets Ben grab him around the neck and "ride" him across the living room. I have video of it but it won't load for me. I did post it on facebook though.
It was a fun week and I'm glad Mom and Dad had such a great trip. We're glad we could help out!
The other big news from January is Ben's graduation.

He's now sleeping in his very own big boy bed. We would've waited a little while but he has just recently shown interest in climbing in and out of his crib, so we figured it would be safer to put him closer to the floor.

Posing in his new bed


Tucked in for the night. Notice the giant Elmo and firetruck couch....they're the only safety precautions for falling out. Unfortunately we found out this week that they don't work. He's fallen onto the floor about 5 times since Saturday night. We're working on finding a safety rail.

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